Beauty & Vitality - the story

Formulated from the latest scientific research

New scientific research studying the gut-brain-skin axis is highlighting a strong link between the health of our gut microbiome, our mental health and skin health.  Excited by these new findings the Beauty & Vitality nutrition team started working with specialist dermatologists to design a formula to deliver skincare both inside and out.  The link between probiotics and gut health is becoming more widely known, but this important development linking gut health to the brain and skin, and the ability for pre and probiotics to support the skin’s microbiome is why we set up Beauty & Vitality, to deliver skin care from the inside and out.

Our skin is the body’s first barrier and largest living organ.  Its outer layers, (epidermis & dermis) are covered by a protecting and hydrating biofilm known as the microbiome; home to millions of micro-organisms that live, protect & nourish the skin. 

The outer layers (epidermis & dermis) of our skin are covered by a protecting and hydrating biofilm known as the microbiome.


The delicate balance of our skin’s microbiome is being constantly attacked by diet, lifestyle, smoking, alcohol, stress, obesity, preservatives in make-up, even our sleep position.  Add to this pollution, excess UV, domestic chemicals and cleaning products, all these factors leave the microbiome having to constantly adjust to maintain a healthy balance.

Over time our skin and microbiome change as the effects of ageing take hold.  In youth, skin can be at its best: bright, glowing and with high levels of natural oil production but can be prone to breakouts and blemishes.  As we age the epidermis thins which can lead to thin lines; changes occur under the surface, as collagen levels and elastic fibres that allow our skin to stretch start to degrade; our sebaceous glands produce less oil, leaving skin feeling dryer and rougher; and hormonal changes further affect the microbiome.  All these factors have a defining impact on our skin. 

Research highlights a strong link between facial skin, the ageing process and the health of the microbiome, suggesting maintenance and improvements in the skin’s microbiome can improve the look and feel of our skin, counter the effects of hormonal changes on our skin (including the menopause) and reduce the signs of skin ageing. 

Microbiome health can be improved through topical application to the skin and internal ingestion of pre and probiotics in combination with other skin nutrients.  Together these have the capacity to optimise, maintain and restore the skin’s microbiome, boost good bacteria whilst minimising the bad.  Probiotics can enhance the skin’s natural defence barrier, benefiting the immune response, eliminating pathogens.  Prebiotics can increase the activity and growth of beneficial microbiota, calming the skin and feeding good bacteria.  

Further studies suggest that when the gut and skin’s microbiome ecosystem are out of balance, this can lead to infections and skin conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea.  Skincare products, with prebiotics and probiotics, taken both orally and when applied directly to the skin, can help to restore microbiome balance which can help reduce eczema, acne, dry skin, even wrinkles and skin ageing.  Probiotics taken orally help create a healthy gut, reducing toxicity in the blood stream and so improving the absorption of important minerals, vitamins and nutrients that help the body rid itself of the waste that causes inflammation.

Excited by these findings, the dermatology and nutrition team developed a new skincare regime that contains never-seen-before combinations of the latest in prebiotics, probiotics and skin nutrients.  Formulated to suit the changing needs of skin over time, these innovative formulae are delivered via skin creams and supplements designed to nourish and boost the microbiome, improve skin health, counter breakouts and restore radiance.

 Beauty & Vitality comes in 2 variants:

  • Beauty & Vitality Flawless Skincare: balanced care to keep your skin at its best; nourishing the microbiome to counter everyday environmental pathogens, optimising moisture and elasticity, and improving immunity to counter blemishes and breakouts, leaving it feeling softer, stronger, rebalanced and flawless.
  • Beauty & Vitality Radiant Skincare: a regime designed to help rebalance and protect the skin’s microbiome countering the effects of hormone changes including the menopause, restoring the appearance of glowing  skin and reducing the signs of ageing for a more radiant complexion.

Beauty & Vitality’s skin creams and supplements protect, rehydrate and rebalance the microbiome, purifying the bad bacteria and strengthening the good.  Beauty & Vitality – the new approach to delivering skincare inside and out, nourishing and strengthening the microbiome, for a longer lasting natural beauty.