Microbiome Skincare in more detail

In Summary

The skin's outer layers are densely populated with micro-organisms that populate a nourishing bio-film known as the microbiome.  Research suggests the health of the skin's microbiome is strongly linked to the health of your gut - improve gut health and in turn you'll improve skin health. 

At Beauty & Vitality, we believe great skincare should therefore be a two sided proposition: help to improve gut health and skin health from the inside with a skin loving multi-nutrient with probiotics, plus further boost skin health from the outside with a pre&probiotic infused skin cream. 

Beauty & Vitality Skincare - helping you get the glow inside out.

The Science in more detail

Skin is the body’s first barrier and largest living organ.  The outer layers, (epidermis & dermis) are covered by a protecting and hydrating biofilm known as the microbiome; home to millions of micro-organisms that live, protect & nourish the skin. 

Layers of the Epidermis

The delicate balance of this microbiome is under constant attack from diet, lifestyle, alcohol, stress, preservatives in make-up, even our sleep position.  These, combined with adverse environmental factors such as excessive sun/UV exposure, domestic chemicals and cleaning products, leave the microbiome constantly adjusting to maintain a healthy balance.

Over time our skin and its microbiome change as the effects of ageing take hold.  In youth, skin tends to be at its best: bright, glowing and with high levels of natural oil production, leaving it sometimes prone to breakouts and blemishes.  As we age the epidermis thins leading to fine lines as collagen levels and elastic fibres that allow our skin to stretch start to degrade; the sebaceous glands produce less oil, leaving our skin feeling dryer and rougher; and hormones change further affecting skin and microbiome. 

Research highlights a strong link between facial skin, the ageing process and the health of the microbiome, suggesting improvements in the skin’s microbiome can improve the look and feel of our skin and reduce the signs of skin ageing. 

Feeding the Microbiome

Have you ever heard of washing your face in kefir? Or using sauerkraut as a facemask? It might sound weird, but believe it or not, there is a whole host of research behind probiotics and skincare.  Fortunately for us, we now have modern science and technology which allows us to improve the microbiome of the skin without taking a bath in kombucha!

How does the gut microbiome affect the skin?

Did you know that the health of the gut has a direct effect on the health of the skin? The gut has trillions of living organisms – mainly bacteria and yeasts. These organisms and our health have a mutually beneficial relationship when the balance is right. When the balance is wrong, our health, including our skin health suffers.  

The skin also hosts trillions of bacteria and other forms of the microbiome. Research into these bacteria is on-going, but scientists now know that the balance of bacteria on the skin has a profound effect on skin health and condition. The mix of bacteria and yeasts on the skin is a direct result of the bacteria in the gut. So, if you want to ensure that your skin stays healthy and glowing, make sure your gut is healthy and glowing as well.

What do friendly bacteria do?

There are thousands of different species of bacteria in the gut, but some of the most beneficial and most researched include Lactobacilli species; acidophilus, casei, Plantarum and rhamnosus. These all belong to a family of rod-shaped bacteria which produce many beneficial effects on the skin with the following actions:

  • Decrease inflammation and improve skin immunity - Fatty acids are substances not often found in the diet but play an essential role in the body. Lactobacillus bacteria produce a high level of short-chain fatty acids. In the gut, short-chain fatty acids are nourishing. Short-chain fatty acids get absorbed and reach the liver where they support the removal of toxins from the body, helping you to glow. On the skin, short-chain fatty acids regulate skin immunity and decrease inflammation helping to prevent and improve inflammatory skin conditions, as well as nourishing skin cells so they can glow[i].
  • May reduce acne outbreaks – Having plentiful probiotics on the skin creates a crowding effect, leaving little to no room for acne-causing Probiotics also produce antibacterial peptides to fight against pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics have a beneficial anti-inflammatory effect, further preventing acne[ii].
  • Helps to protect against phyto ageing – An out-of-whack skin pH can contribute to increased skin ageing and sun damage. Having a healthy balance of probiotics on the skin may correct the pH balance and help to protect against phyto-ageing[iii].
  • May improve atopic dermatitis and rosacea – Having the correct balance of bacteria in the gut has a positive effect on the function of the immune system and may help to improve dermatitis and rosacea. These conditions are inflammatory conditions of the skin, so the anti-inflammatory actions of some types of bacteria may be beneficial[iv].

Which bacteria do what?

The important probiotic strains for skincare explained

Using friendly bacteria orally and topically

Taking a multi-nutrient with probiotics, like Beauty&Vitality’s Radiant and Flawless supplements, orally can help to balance gut organisms, which may be out of balance for a variety of reasons. Taking medications such as antibiotics, having a poor diet and high-stress levels can lead to a disruption in the bacteria balance in the gut. Consuming a healthy diet and adding in an additional multi-nutrient with probiotics can help.

Bacteria on the skin often reflects that of the gut and can also become out of balance due to the use of antimicrobial substances and some topical medications. Using a topical cream with probiotics, like Beauty&Vitality’s Radiant and Flawless moisturiser is an easy solution.



[i] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022202X16326550

[ii] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352647515000155

[iii] https://jddonline.com/articles/dermatology/S1545961616P0009X

[iv] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/exd.14032

[v] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4950746/

[vi] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6747158/

[vii] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26428734/


[viii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5510156/