The Link Between Your Gut & Immune System

The Link Between Your Gut & Immune System

IImmune cells grown in the gut circulate through the bloodstream looking for threats to immunity. They learn from the gut when to act and how to tell the difference between friendly and bad bacteria. Autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and eczema can occur when the immune cells attack the wrong bacteria. Hence the importance of the relationship between good gut health and your immune system, as well as skin health.

What HappensInYour Gut Affects Your Whole Immune System

Picture of a plate with a knife and fork and gut health printed in the middle

Within the gut’s immune tissue, B cells are taught what to react to. B cells are a type of immune cell that produces antibodies against infections. After maturing, the cells enter the bloodstream, monitoring the body for potential threats. Consequently, what happens in your gut affects your whole body immunity, and not just immune responses against germs in our food.

Understanding Immune Tolerance

Whilst their primary goal is to protect against harmful substances, the immune cells found in the gut must also identify when not to react. They need to know which substances do not pose a threat to our health and leave them alone, a process that is known as ‘immune tolerance’. Some of the substances they learn to leave alone include the body’s own cells, safe substances in our food and the ‘friendly’ gut bacteria. Studies suggest that the friendly bacteria and other organisms found in the gut help teach the immune cells what to react to and what is safe to leave alone. This is one of their vital roles, and one of the reasons why it’s so important to have a healthy gut.

woman sneezing into a tissue with virus-like graphics surrounding her

WhenImmune Tolerance Fails

When immune tolerance goes wrong, it can lead to the development of allergies and food intolerances. Essentially, the immune system’s cells mistakenly react to harmless substances.Another consequence of immune tolerance is the development of Autoimmune conditions. This is when our immune system starts to attack our own cells and tissues. Some of the conditions this can apply to include rheumatoid arthritis, skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, as well as multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Having a healthy gut – and a healthy gut flora – is believed to be crucial in order l to keep our immune system in balance, fighting the right things and not the wrong things.

Other Links Between Gut Health & Immunity

Additionally, there may be other connections between our gut and the onset of allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions. Understanding these links could lead to new approaches in preventing and treating such conditions.One is the theory of ‘altered intestinal permeability’ also more commonly known as a ‘leaky gut’ [1]. A healthy gut lining is made up of cells that are closely packed together, with minimal or no gaps between them. This helps ensure that only selected substances – including fully digested components of our food, such as glucose, amino acids and minerals – can pass through the gut barrier into our bloodstream.

healthy food platter with food allergy spelt out on a chopping board

Probiotic Infused Skincare Solutions that also help with Gut Health

New Clean Formula Radiant Skincare Multi-Nutrient (60 tablets)

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New Clean Formula Flawless Skincare Multi-Nutrient (60 tablets)

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New Clean Formula Radiant Multi-Nutrient & Moisturiser Kit

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On the other hand, a ‘leaky gut’ is a condition whereby the lining has become damaged, with larger gaps between cells that allows harmful substances, that are normally restricted, to pass through the gut wall and enter the bloodstream. When this happens, the immune system recognises these substances as foreign and mounts an attack which can lead to allergies and food intolerances.

It’s also thought that some substances absorbed in this way can resemble’ some of the body’s own cells, therefore confusing the immune system into attacking its own tissue, potentially leading to autoimmune diseases

There are a number of potential causes of developing ‘altered intestinal permeability’. These may include a poor diet, a lack of nutrients that nourish and protect the gut wall, infections that originate from parasites or harmful bacteria, another illness, or the use of certain medications.

Better Gut Health Does Wonders for your Skin

Maintaining good gut health is crucial not only for your immune system but also for your skin health. A healthy gut helps regulate immune responses, preventing unnecessary inflammation and autoimmunity. Additionally, the gut-skin relationship highlights the connection between digestive health and skin conditions, meaning that a well-functioning gut can contribute to clearer, healthier skin. This underscores the importance of a balanced diet, proper nutrition, and overall gut care for holistic health and well-being.

That's why at Beauty & Vitality, we advocate for a skincare routine that combines probiotics with essential skin vitamins through our skincare supplements, along with a prebiotic and probiotic-infused moisturiser. This approach supports both skin and gut health, helping you achieve optimal wellness and radiant skin.


The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you are taking any medications, have a diagnosed medical condition, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor or health practitioner before taking supplements.



  • Groschwitz KR, Hogan SP. Intestinal barrier function: molecular regulation and disease pathogenesis.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2009 Jul;124(1):3-20; quiz 21-2.