7 Steps to Help Slow the Signs of Skin Ageing

7 Steps to Help Slow the Signs of Skin Ageing

Are you starting to notice the first signs of ageing on your face and skin? Fine lines, wrinkles or elasticity loss are common concerns as we age. Understanding what accelerates skin ageing and how to counteract these effects can help you maintain youthful, plump, radiant skin. Our guide will walk you through key signs of ageing and provide some practical steps to reduce and slow down the signs of skin ageing.

Understanding the Signs of Skin Ageing

Skin ageing is a natural process that attracts vast interest. But various factors accelerate skin ageing, leading to fine lines, wrinkles and thinning of the skin. In this blog, we will address the signs of ageing, along with the seven ways to help reverse and reduce these effects.

Key Accelerators of Skin Ageing

Sun Damage

You don’t have to be abroad to get sun damage. The sun can be strong enough in the UK to cause damage to your skin, even when it’s cloudy. According to Cancer Research UK, 90% of the sun's UV rays penetrate through clouds and cause sun damage.
The sun’s UV rays break down two key proteins that help keep our skin looking young:

  • Elastin. Elastin helps keep the skin flexible
  • Collagen. Collagen maintains rigidity

We also have stem cells in our bodies that help provide new cells where others have died. UV radiation causes stem cells to die off, which can lead to the thinning and wrinkling of the skin.


A poor diet, high in processed foods, sugars or carbohydrates with a high GI index can deprive your skin of the nutrients it needs to remain healthy. Diets high in hydrogenated fats or refined vegetable fats may also increase free radical damage. Furthermore, these diets promote glycation, a process where sugars damage proteins, including collagen.

Excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption

Alcohol and caffeine create body toxins which lead to dehydration in body tissues and the skin. Alcohol can dilate skin pores which may lead to blackheads and whiteheads that can develop into pimples if not correctly treated, potentially leading to scarring and premature ageing. And we all know how both alcohol and caffeine can deprive us of sleep, which combined with dehydration, impairs the regenerative processes of the body leading to dull lifeless skin.


It’s well known that smoking is bad for you – but perhaps less well known is the effects it has on the skin, our largest organ. With over 4000 chemicals in each cigarette, several of which can trigger the destruction of collagen and elastin which can lead to the early onset of wrinkles but also skin sagging. Other facial impacts have been noted including skin thinning, facial redness and the prominence of bony contours. There is also a greater risk of skin cancer and psoriasis which potentially reduces the body’s wound-healing capability.

Excess in any one of these accelerators will speed up the process of ageing/dermis thinning and the appearance of fine lines that can result in crows-feet wrinkles around the eyes, under-eye wrinkles and deeper wrinkles around our smile.

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7 Steps to Help Reduce the Signs of Ageing

There are several approaches you can take, all of which can help slow the signs of skin ageing:

1. A healthy diet - you are what you eat!

The age-old adage is equally applicable to your overall health as it is to skin health. Recent research highlights the gut-brain-skin axis, suggesting the better your gut health, the better your skin health and therefore the better you feel, the better your mental health. So, by eating the right foods, you’re helping your gut balance itself with the right bacteria, building a better gut microbiome which enables better nutrient absorption, and pumping the right nutrients around your body which leads to better skin health and better mental health. Therefore, a diet based on whole foods (unprocessed vegetables, fruit, meats, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils) is perhaps the most important factor in helping you slow the signs of skin ageing.

2. Cut out processed foods

Naturally part of eating a better diet means cutting out processed foods, or foods with refined or high-sugar contents. This will help balance sugar levels and reduce glycation, which in turn slows down skin ageing.

3. Eat a wide variety of fruits and veg

Ideally at least 7 a day (5 a day was always a bare minimum target!). This variety will provide vitamin C, which helps in the production of collagen. Orange vegetables and cooked tomatoes provide carotenoids which help reduce sun damage.

4. Eat healthy fats

Incorporate healthy fats into your diet. Good sources include oily fish, avocadoes, olive oil, unroasted nuts and seeds, as well as cold-pressed seed oils such as flaxseed oil and hemp seed oil.

5. Drink plenty water

Hydration is key for skin health – and good guidance for adults is to aim for 1.5 – 2 litres per day, less if you’re eating your 7 a day, but more if it’s a hot day and/or you’re exercising. Note herbal (non-caffeinated) teas and soups can count towards this amount. Proper hydration is key for maintaining healthy skin and slowing down the signs of ageing.

6. Adopt green tea

Consider replacing at least some of your coffee and tea intake with Green Tea. Whilst some green teas contain some caffeine, they are high in antioxidants which can reduce glycation in the body and promote overall skin health.

7. Include natural sources of collagen in your diet

Collagen naturally occurs in animal parts such as bones, cartilage, and tendons. Bone broth, made from simmering animal bones for 12-24 hours, is one of the best sources of collagen. Alternatively, consider taking a collagen supplement to support your skin’s elasticity and strength. For some, this may be a much easier way to achieve your skin goals!

How to Slow Down the Signs of Ageing

Whilst many of these seven steps are common knowledge, achieving them can be time-consuming and difficult. Today’s lifestyles are such that boiling bones and eating whole foods are not always possible or a priority. However, looking after your gut health can significantly improve your skin and mental health. If these seven steps seem daunting and as a convenient shortcut, consider taking a good skin supplement that contains prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins and the nutrients your body needs to boost your gut microbiome and your skin’s microbiome. Beauty and Vitality’s all-in-one skin multi nutrient is designed to boost your gut microbiome and your skin microbiome, without impacting your lifestyle. Combine this with Beauty & Vitality’s moisturisers and apply the probiotic-infused face creams to enhance your microbiome health from the outside.

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To learn more about reducing the signs of ageing and maintaining healthy skin through your gut and skin’s microbiome, contact the experts at Beauty and Vitality.


The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition. If you are taking any medications, have a diagnosed medical condition, or are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult your doctor or health practitioner before taking supplements.